We are a proud Licensed Retailer of Certified Angus Beef in the Augusta Area.
* Beef must pass 10 brand standards to qualify.
- Modest or higher marbling – for the taste that ensures consumer satisfaction
- Medium to fine marbling texture – the white “flecks of flavor” in the beef that ensure consistent flavor and juiciness in every bite
- Only cattle harvested less than 30 months of age by dentition and only A-maturity lean – for superior color, texture and tenderness.
- 10- to 16-square-inch ribeye area
- 1,100-pound hot carcass weight or less
- 1-inch or less fat thickness
- Superior muscling – limits light-muscled cattle
- Practically free of capillary rupture – ensures the most visually appealing steak
- No dark cutters – ensures the most visually appealing steak
- No neck hump exceeding 2 inches – safeguards against cattle with more variability in tenderness.
* Within the Choice grade’s three marbling levels, the majority of the beef falls into Small marbling. This is not enough marbling for the Certified Angus Beef Brand.
* The majority of USDA Choice misses our mark for exceptional juiciness and flavor.
* Marbling is the main contributor of beef juiciness, flavor and tenderness.
* Marbling is the flecks of fat within the beef.
* Beef with more marbling can be cooked to higher temperature and still remain juicy.
* Certified Angus Beef brand must be medium to fine marbling.